The DuraCool Slim Fitting Pull-On Nylon Water-Proof Incontinence Brief is ideal protection over protective underwear or guards like Depend or any disposable brief to assure against leakage and dry bed linen while protecting your skin from heat and skin breakdown.
Our new and improved Unisex Lightweight Incontinence Pull-On DuraCool Water-Proof Pant (Formally titled Duralite) has a waterproof body and water-proof waist and leg openings. It continues to be constructed with soft, durable water-proof nylon fabric. Now the waist and legs will have a more finished look and feel as they will be metered so the garment will fit better and make a more secure closure so no leakage can occur.
The nylon tricot bindings will assure a noiseless, comfortable and secure fit while the body fabric allows for air circulation so there is no skin breakdown which will occur with plastic, rubber or vinyl pants. Skin breakdown can result in the possibility of institutionalization and even death.
The garment is machine washable and bleachable over 100 times.
The DuraCool Pull-On Water-Proof Incontinence Brief is ideal protection over protective underwear or guards like Depend or any disposable brief to assure against leakage and dry bed linen.
Generously sized and designed for all-day wear and over-night bedding protection and comfort.
Whether you suffer from incontinence due to an overactive bladder, post-surgery complications, or loss of bowel movement control, the Duracool Incontinence Pull-On Pant is perfect for you.
A Perfect Fit!
Our Duracool Incontinence Briefs are soft, noiseless, and heatless, unlike all other plastic or vinyl waterproof pants. Uniquely designed to keep urine in and keep skin in good condition. The result is better skincare with less irritation and no breakdown of skin integrity which can cause decubitus ulcers, pain, and institutionalization.
The Duracool waterproof incontinence brief is usable over any disposable brief or protective underwear. Generously sized. Designed for all-day and overnight comfort plus bedding hygiene. Comfortable, with allergy-free soft latex.
Perfect For Those With Allergies or Sensitive Skin
The pants provide excellent resistance to mildew, mold, fungus, and bacteria as well as the perfect solution for those who are allergic to plastic, rubber, vinyl or PVC. We invented the Incontinence Category with the first baby waterproof pant. We know how to produce quality garments that work!